Real or Virtual Love | Digitized Love

The Digital Love

In theory (in the rhetorical sense), love I know her well, nobody beats me to it! I also give advice to those less fortunate than me, as that just doesn’t cost me anything … But the hard part comes to the practical part, the one that involves true love, in which one invests, risks, suffers, the one for which the safety fence is jumped, of comfort. It’s easy to talk about love, as easy as knowing someone on a social media page. Things get complicated when moving from theory to practice, from virtual to real, when dreams, expectations and concrete reality do not coincide. When you realize that in the equation of love, happiness is actually one of the unknowns, all the more so when you find yourself half on a dating site. That you know it, happiness I say, you adapt it, you build it, with care and effort, in the real world.
These e-page are full of men’s and women’s profiles , as if everyone and everybody lives and feels there, in virtual, with all the tweaks and twists of physical, intellectual and Photoshop characteristics. Unfortunately the narcissism is taking the place of honesty and responsibility. Another fascinating freedom in the world of binary figures but which limits the outraged and bitter exclamations of the real world, the one’s like…: “The shameless had 40 pounds extra!” Or “liar, she is 20 years older!”. Most of the times what you offer is what you get , strangely, but those who complain of unfair treatment are usually exactly  the ones who, in one way or another, try to trick the interlocutor, taking advantage of virtual freedom. In other words, you have entered a gray area, as an adult and vaccinated individual, you are suffering the consequences, positive or negative, just like in the life outside the virtual world, where people are concerned, where they can be reached by asking and giving consent or by looking in each others eyes. At the end of that, the goal and the road to go, are the same. People know each other, they like each other, they courtship or flirt… Then they make love , they love each other and then they breakup. The difference stays in the minimum respect and common sense for each other, regardless of the digital dating or meeting platform that they use.
After all, dear friends, the acquaintance with another person can, at first be regarded as a game, but assumed also with strict and well-understood rules, with questions and, of course, answers. Answers that, to be honest…, must be checked, verified and proved, in real life. As you cannot wish either stay or be a lifetime on chat.
I had the opportunity to reflect on the phenomenon of relationships born in chat.
Unfortunately, we have found that technology changes the relationship between mens and womens. Even friendships. The fact that the area of ​​freedom of choice seems so wide and the criteria according to which, we make the choices, are so scientifically diverse starting from : – registration, cultural, social, geographical – choices that make us lose, without realizing, the sense of measure and orientation. This leads us to getting lost, thus in an unreal world, seemingly unlimited, forgetting, in fact, that this is… or should be the mirror of reality.

What seems right and comfortable, in front of the monitor is, but not distorted by lies, narcissism or who knows what strange desires that, obviously, in the real world we can not afford on image, social considerations, etc.
The fact is that when the switch off the bulb, completely out of use. at the time of entry into the new and sophisticated world, begins to give signs and signals in your head like the police car’s turntable to warn you that things aren’t exactly the way the seem to be.
You might have imagined that the Human Profile that populates the virtual world is nothing more wonderful than the real one, that Rocco Siffredi is single, that perfection must be sought in various forms of art, and love is an art form no matter where – you seek it, we should engage the mechanisms of power to accept or abandon a diverse world, in which we have knowingly entered. Being aware of the implications of accepting this world but also of the negative connotations of its abandonment. Which usually means disapproval, outrage, protest, in a way the equivalent of slamming the door in the real world!
That in essence, without long psychoanalysis of character and soul, the fundamental human internal equation remains unchanged, no matter the environment, circumstances, appearances.
The only thing is that it takes time, patience and dedication to know what another person wants, but especially to know. what we want from ourselves.
This way, we are avoiding the transformation into the Disoriented Princesses who haunts the Virtual Garden with the apple in hand in search of Chosen Prince but … totally unknown. I like technology and the wonders it brings to our lives, just as I like to believe that we hold the reins of technology and it is not the one that has prevailed over our lives. I like to remember the virtual conversations of acquaintance and started on the road with the man I lovein real life.
Which is why I think that there are in fact no two worlds (real – virtual) but only one, that certainly becomes more complex, with the human element with all its flaws and qualities, obviously protagonist of it, by having the same ideal and target applied to it but only by changing the way we reach this target. Nothing more!…

Thank you for Reading!

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